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Es Anonymous, ¡y es nuestro talento del mes de Mayo! by IRENE AYBAR on jun 6, 2013 • 9:35 No hay comentarios

Como cada mes en Hitsbook nos disponemos a traerte lo mejor del talento en nuestra comunidad, y mayo no es una excepción. ¡Por eso os presentamos al talento del mes! Aunque su nombre artístico sea Anonimous lo cierto es que su talento hace que no pase desapercibido. Alberto Toledo nos trae canción de autor para todos los gustos directamente desde Madrid, aunque el arte que corre por sus venas procede desde Las Palmas de Gran Canaria.

¿Listos para saber más de él?

Muchísimas felicidades por haberte convertido en Talento del Mes de Mayo en Hitsbook.

¿Cómo decidiste presentarte?

- Buenas! Pues la verdad que después de estar mucho tiempo encerrado con mi música , tocando y cantando en mi sótano, me acostumbre a crear música para mi mismo, sintiendo verdadero temor a que los demás me escucharan… miedo al que dirán, pensaran… Me llené de valor y decidí empezar a expandirme un poco por internet, a ver que sucedía… y es en ese momento cuando di con Hitsbook y la oportunidad que ofrecía.

¿Por qué Anonimus? ¿Es una metáfora, una elección casual o una declaración de intenciones?

- Pues la verdad que va un poco relacionado con lo anterior, no quería ser reconocido: solo que escucharan mi voz, mi música y nada más. Por ello se me ocurrió el nombre de Anonimus, creo que refleja mi sentimiento en forma de palabra.

¿Cuándo comenzaste en el mundo de la música? -

Bff desde muy pequeñito, recuerdo que me gustaba cantar, lo hacia sin más… Me sentía cómodo cuando soltaba la voz, en la ducha, en la cama antes de dormir, cuando me aburría… Pero siempre con esa peculiaridad de intimidad, era algo mío , solo para mi, y no se lo mostraba a nadie.

¿Desde cuándo te dedicas a componer tus propias canciones?

- Mi primera guitarra me la regalaron a los 14 años, y desde que di lo básico, no pare de componer canciones. Me encantaba crear melodías en mi sótano, grabarla y luego escucharlas con mis auriculares a ver que tal quedaba. Casi nunca me paraba a finalizar un proyecto, me gustaba mas el concepto de creatividad, soltarme improvisar, cantar, grabar escuchar y pasar a crear otras cosa. Luego con los años, me di cuenta , de que, si quería intentar vivir de la música, tenia que pararme y centrarme en crear proyectos completos, en finalizar las canciones, con sus letras y composición…. Aunque debo ser sincero, la grabación con la que he ganado el concurso este mes, es una improvisación cantada que tardé lo que dura la canción en completarla, solo me solté y deje que la creatividad actuara jejeje ¡No me puedo creer que allá ganado!

¿En qué te inspiras a la hora de componer?

- Bueno, eso depende del momento de mi vida. Cuando era pequeño, cuando me paraba a componer, escribía sobre el amor y desamor de adolescente, eso era lo habitual. En estos momentos de mi vida en cambio, el cuerpo me pide que hable de superación, de coraje, de luchar por lo que quieres, de vivir una vida con sentido, de encontrarte a ti mismo y ese tipo de cosas. Supongo que mi propia experiencia y lo que he aprendido en estos años es lo que deseo transmitir.

¿Cuáles son los valores más importantes que consideras que debe tener un artista para triunfar?

- Para triunfar, sin duda perseverancia. El reconocimiento, se consigue con una vida de dedicación completa a lo que te gusta y tener la valentía de enfrentarte a cada obstáculo sin desistir. Cuando el hobbie se convierte en trabajo, pienso que cosas buenas te pueden pasar.

¿Tienes algún artista del que hayas tomado ejemplo para tratar de sacar adelante tu carrera musical?

- Nadie en especial. Si es verdad que en un inicio mi gran reto era crear un grupo grunge, en plan un Pearl Jam a la española o un grupo similar a Staind en castellano. Pero hoy por hoy busco mi propio sonido, sin pensar en nada mas que en encontrarme cómodo cuando compongo y canto.

¿Piensas que el talento nace, o se hace? ¿Eres de los que piensa que ha nacido con estrella?

- Soy de los que piensa que el músico se hace, no nace. Puedes que desde pequeño tengas la suerte de encontrar lo que te guste, y gracias a ello empieces antes a fortalecer el talento, pero es la dedicación lo que la crea. Es decir, tenemos talento en potencia en cualquier cosa que queramos, pero es el amor a lo que haces el que cimienta dicho talento.

Tu mayor aspiración en la música - En primer lugar intentar vivir de ella. Con intentarlo de verdad, con corazón y ganas me basta para así no sentir arrepentimiento el día de mañana. En segundo lugar llegar a los demás, que mi música le toque la fibra de alguna forma. Si quieres añadir algo más, ¡adelante! - Bueno, agradecer al equipo de Hitsbook por fijarse en mi y elegirme talento del mes de mayo, y a mi familia y amigos por aguantarme cada día. Un saludo muy grande!

¡Si quieres seguir a Alberto solo tienes que hacer entrar en sus redes sociales y estar al tanto de sus nuevas canciones!

¿Quieres ser nuestro nuevo talento del mes? ¡Ya está activo el concurso de Junio! Anímate, porque el éxito puede estar en un solo clic. Síguenos en Facebook y conoce todas nuestras novedades e iniciativas.

jueves, 20 de junio de 2013


Nice traditional feel to the start of the song - very open in style and very folk. The acoustic feel to the song had a really nice feel to it. The mix of percussion and instruments worked really well. I thought the lead singer was extremely powerful - sounded a little like Eddie Vedder. I was not sure if he was singing in English at one point but it did work. The harmonizing on the vocals worked well to. Even though this might of been a foreign song I enjoyed it's melody. The layout of the instruments and the overall sound of the song was very alternative and very enjoyable. Different and well worth listening to


Really slow start to the song , i really enjoyed the receptivity of the track , i could not fully understand the lyrics due to the fact that it was in a different language from what i speak but i really enjoyed this track and i hope to hear more from you in the near future.
this would probably be a good song if it was sung in English. I dint understand any of the lyrics though so therefore I feel I cant rate this correctly. the background music was very good though.
Intro is strong. The vocals are very powerful and impressive. Although the lyrics are in a different language they are not too repetitive and the vocalist seems to be passionate about them. Instrumental accompaniments are engaging and rhythmic. Overall the artists seems very creative and competent.
I like the beginning of the song because it's sound familiar to another current popular song. I really like the guitars in the track because they seem to be holding the song together. The vocals sound okay, but because the lyrics are sung in a foreign language, it's hard to know if I like it. I really love the showcase of vocals in the song. I think the whole song sounds powerful and I love the way it's been executed.
I have no idea what this dude is saying. Obviously that's because he is speaking Spanish or something. But since I can't understand him, I can't fairly judge the lyrics or anything, but I assume they're bad. I like the instrumentals, though. Its kind of soothing, to be honest. Other than that, I can't really comment on anything else. I have no idea when the chorus starts. The volume of it is good, the beat is good. I'm not sure what else to say. I can't be a fair judge of this song if I can't understand what the singer is saying. The backup singer dude is kind of cool to listen to. Not sure what other elements to touch on since its a foreign band.
Not too sure if the singing is actually in English. I cannot understand what the voice is saying. It sings for a bit but then has all this "aaaaa yeee aaaaa" which I found quite pointless. Not sure what the purpose of this song is! I think the background music isnt too good either
The acoustic guitar sounds really good, and goes well with the song. The backing vocals work with the overall mood of the song. It has a slow tempo but that is fine for this type of music. The only issue is that it isn't in english, but i guess this is your native language.
The melody of this song is very soft and pretty. Had me sitting in my seat swaying back and forth. However the vocals through me off, for they are a bit raspy and out of key. Maybe its because I could not understand the language. Even though this song does nothing for me as far as the vocals I did love the instrumentals. I could have listened to them without the artist speaking a word. I only wish I could have understood what this song was talking about.
The guitar sound was interesting to listen to, but I couldn't understand the vocalist at all. I don't know what language he is singing in it's so exaggerated I can't tell. It may be a latin american language? The beat is swelling nicely and keeping me interested, but I can't connect with the lyrics so I can't comment on the topic of the song.
i couldn't this track going any where . the instrumental does not very well fit the lyrics and the over all message the artist is trying to portray in this song . it could be a hit one day if the artist made the instrumental into a dubstep beat in the background
This song has a nice melody and then a male vocalist sings the lyrics in a different language.. there are natives is a pretty tune! The beat is different..and the music sounds like folk music..
A lush rhythm comes from what sounds like a folk guitar, electrified, and then comes a vocal, powerful, thick, textured and the lyrics do not matter, because the voice is such a strong instrument here with his harmony with another voice that it could just as well have been an instrumental with this voice, and its meaning was beyond mere words. The arrangement wisely takes advantage of the fact that the singer is all one needs, and the production values are high, though hard to tell for sure as they wisely knew to stand out of the way and let this genius voice make music. Measure for measure, it is haunting, wistful, optimistic, reminiscent, and primal. I will buy this piece of music.
the foreign song has A remarkable melody it is humming and also you feel the waves of the emotion through your vain untill it enter to my heart. i dont understand any of the lyrics but onething is clear !, this song have own language because they connect to every listener.
The instrumental on this song sounds out and sounds professional. The main vocal is clear and sings with conviction. I like the backing vocal as it harmonizes nicely. In improvement I would probably reign it in a bit and sing a bit softer. over wise Its a perfectly good song.
A very good song. A mixture of high and low notes and you let your feelings be free in this track. A mixture between folk, country and classical in this exciting track. It has a slow beat throughout the song which makes the song better. The artist seems very talented and i wish he achieves his dream in the future.

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